a simple poem directly from the scriptures.
by grace davis.
If I were a bird, I would fly to your dwelling place, O Lord. 
I would quickly return to You. 
For it is better to spend one day in your courts than a thousand anywhere else. 
If I were a bird of the air, I would depend on the Lord’s providence. 
It would not be necessary for me to store away in barns, 
My Father would feed me. 
And so, I would rather be a doorkeeper in Your presence than exalted anywhere else.

The birds of the sky do not worry, 
Then why should I?
For if the sparrow finds a home,
And the swallow a nest for herself, 
Then my Father’s love is sure, 
For he loves me all the more. 

Blessed is the one who dwells with You, O Lord.
My sun and my shield. 
I have found my home in You,
Worry cannot add another hour. 
May I learn to seek first the Kingdom,
For I know that all will be added. 

Read: Psalm 84 and Matthew 6:25-34
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